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Courses Available

1st aid - $120

Identified Program

Provide First Aid: The RLSSQ Provide First Aid Award provides the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response to a casualty. The unit applies to all workers who may be required to provide a first aid response in a range of situations, include community and workplace settings.


To establish competence in the required skills and knowledge, judgement and physical abilities required to provide a first aid response to a casualty.

Bronze Medallion

Identified Program

Bronze Medallion: The Royal Life Saving Bronze Medallion Award provides the minimum requirement for those persons wishing to provide supervision and integrated rescue responses in an aquatic environment.


To establish competence in the required knowledge and skills, judgement and physical abilities for the supervision of people in swimming pools. The candidate must demonstrate advanced water rescue techniques working alone and as a team member.

Pool Lifeguard - $340 (Re-accreditation $135)

Identified Program

Pool Lifeguard: The Royal Life Saving Pool Lifeguard Award provides the minimum requirement for those persons wishing to provide supervision and integrated rescue responses in an aquatic environment.


The Royal Life Saving Pool Lifeguard Award provides the minimum requirement for those persons wishing to provide supervision and integrated rescue responses in an aquatic environment.

CPR - $40

Identified Program

Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: The RLSSQ Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Award provides the minimum requirement for those persons required to perform resuscitation.


To establish competence in the required knowledge and skills, judgement and physical abilities for the supervision of people in swimming pools. The candidate must demonstrate advanced water rescue techniques working alone and as a team member.

RLSSQ GSPO in house staff training


Fire and emergency response training


School based information sessions

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